• Der Nussknacker | © Bettina Stöß

  • Half Life | © Jubal Battisti

  • La Bayadère | © Yan Revazov

  • LIB | © Jubal Battisti

  • The Second Detail | © Yan Revazov

  • Theme and Variations | © Yan Revazov

Staatsballett Berlin


For the 2019/2020 season, Sasha Waltz and Johannes Öhman will take up their joint directorship of the Staatsballett Berlin. In their first season, five premieres - including three creations -, six revivals and one guest appearance are programmed.

Sharon Eyal, who brought great success to the stage with »Half Life« last season, is now commissioned with a creation. The premiere will be staged together with a creation by Alexander Ekman in the evening »LIB | Strong« at the Staatsoper Unter den Linden.In a first-time collaboration, the Staatsballett Berlin will perform six performances, with »Sunny« by Emanuel Gat, at the Volksbühne Berlin. Finally, in April, Sasha Waltz will for the first time create a new choreography for the Staatsballett ensemble: »SYM-PHONIE 2020« - für Tanz, Licht und Orchester which will be performed at the Staatsoper Unter den Linden. Austrian composer Georg Friedrich Haas will create the music for this world premiere. Back in the repertoire are »Giselle« and »Schwanensee« both in the choreography and production of Patrice Bart and George Balanchine's »Jewels« with music by Gabriel Fauré, Igor Stravinsky and Peter I. Tschaikowsky as well as Alexei Ratmansky's »La Bayadère«, Yuri Burlaka/Vasily Medvedev's »Der Nussknacker« and the contemporary evening »Balanchine | Forsythe | Siegal«.

History and biography

History of the ensemble
The Staatsballett Berlin was founded in 2004 as a result of the reunification of the former ballet ensembles of Berlin’s three opera houses – the Deutsche Oper Berlin, the Komische Oper Berlin and the Staatsoper Unter den Linden. The consolidation made the Staatsballett the biggest company in Germany (92 dancers) and the only classically trained ballet ensemble under the umbrella of the Stiftung Oper in Berlin. For our 2018/19 season, Johannes Öhman took over as Director of the Staatsballett Berlin. Starting with the 2019/20 season, he is joined by Sasha Waltz in a co-directorship. The focus of their artistic curation is to introduce and create new original works for the company as well as display the rich heritage of dance from its beginnings to the present day.

„[…] We want to reexamine the history of ballet and actively shape the future of dance - and thus do justice to the cosmopolitan city of Berlin, which is never afraid to take a critical look at the past and at the same time look lively and dynamic into the future“, say Sasha Waltz and Johannes Öhman about their future artistic direction.



  • 2019/2020


    Productions fron the 2019/2020 season

    Plateau Effect (2019)
    First showing: 2013
    Choreography: Jefta van Dinther
    Soanddesign by David Kiers
    10 dancers
    15x16 m, 60 min no intermission

    La Bayadère (2018)
    Choreography: Alexei Ratmansky nach Marius Petipa    
    Music by Ludwig Minkus
    148 dancers
    16x19 m, ca 170 min including 1 intermission

    LIB | Strong (2019)
    Choreography: Alexander Ekman | Sharon Eyal    
    Music by Devo, John Lennon, Talking Heads, The Rolling Stones, Maverick Sabre a.o.; and by Ori Lichtik
    5 | 17 dancers
    15x16 m, 100 min including 1 intermission

    Sunny (2019)
    First showing: 2016
    Choreography: Emanuel Gat
    Music by Awir leon
    9 dancers
    60 min no intermission

    Theme and Variations | The Second Detail | Oval (2019)
    First showing: 1947|2019 | 1991 | 2019
    Choreography: George Balanchine | William Forsythe | Richard Siegal
    Music by P. I. Tschaikowsky; Thom Willems and Alva Noto    
    24 | 14 | 12 dancers
    16x19 m, 130 Mintuten including 2 intermissionn

    The Second Detail | LIB | Half Life (2019)
    First showing: 1991 | 2019 | 2018
    Choreography: William Forsythe | Alexander Ekman | Sharon Eyal
    Music by Thom Willems; Devo, John Lennon,Talking Heads, The Rolling Stones, Maverick Sabre a.o.; and by Ori Lichtik
    14 | 5 | 13 dancers
    18x20 m, 135 min including 1 intermissionn

    Giselle (1996)    
    Choreography: Patrice Bart nach Theophile Gautier and Jules-Henri Vernoy de Saint-Georges
    Music by Adolphe Adam
    52 dancers
    18x20 m, 140 min including 1 intermission

    Der Nussknacker (2013)
    Choreography: Vasily Medvedev; Yuri Burlaka
    Music by P. I. Tschaikowsky
    226 dancers
    18x20 m, 150 min including 1 intermissionn

    SYM-PHONIE 2020 (2020)
    Choreography: Sasha Waltz
    Music by George Friedrich Haas
    22 dancers
    16x19 m, 110 min including 1 intermission

    Schwanensee (1997)
    Choreography: Patrice Bart nach Iwanow and Petipa
    Music by P. I. Tschaikowsky
    60 dancers
    18x20 m, 170 min including 1 intermission

    Jewels (1967)
    Choreography: George Balanchine
    Music by Gabriel Fauré, I. Strawinsky and P. I. Tschaikowsky
    45 dancers
    18x20 m, 140 min including 2 intermissionn

    Weld Company zu Gast: Tribute (2020)
    First showing: 2018
    Choreography: Frédéric Gies
    Music by Fiedel
    dancers of Weld Company
    18x20 m, 80 min no intermission

  • previous seasons

    Other seasons

    Productions from the 2017/2018 season

    Romeo und Julia (1998)
    Choreography Nacho Duato, music Serge Prokofieff
    dancers NA, stage dimensions 16 x 19 m, duration ca. 150 min. (interval)

    Don Quixote (2018)
    Choreography Víctor Ullate, music Ludwig Minkus
    dancers NA, stage dimensions 18 x 20 m, duration ca. 180 min (2 intervals)

    Doda (2018) | Goecke (2010) | Duato (2013)
    Choreography Gentian Doda | Marco Goecke (Pierrot Lunaire) | Nacho Duato (Por Vos Muero)
    music Joaquín Segade (Gentian Doda) | Arnold Schönberg (Pierrot Lunaire)|Jordi Savall, old spanisch music (Por Vos Muero)
    dancers NA
    stage dimensions 15 x 16 m
    duration n.a. | 33 min| 30 min (2 intervaln)

    Dornröschen (2011)
    Choreography Nacho Duato, music I. Tschaikowsky
    68 dancers, stage dimensions 18 x 20 m, duration 170 min (2 intervals)

    Maillot (2008) | Millepied (2004)
    Choreography Jean-Christoph Mailliot (Altro Canto) | Benjamin Milleplied (Daphnis et Cloé)
    music: NA | Ravel
    21 dancers | 23 dancers
    stage dimensions 18 x 20 m
    duration 120 min (interval)

    Giselle (1996)
    Choreography Patrice Bart, music Adolphe Adam
    52 dancers, stage dimensions 16 x 19 m, duration 140 min (interval)

    Der Nussknacker (2016)
    Choeography Nacho Duato, music I. Tschaikowsky
    59 dancers, stage dimensions 18 x 20 m, duration 130 min (interval)

    Duato (2017) Shechter (2009)
    Choreography: Nacho Duato (Erde) | Hofesh Shechter (The Art of not looking back)
    music Hofesh Shechter (The Art of not looking back) | Pedro Alcalde, Sergio Caballero, Richie Hawtin, Alva Noto und Mika Vainio (Erde)
    34 dancers, stage dimensions 15 x 16 m, duration 110 min (interval)

    Schwanensee (1997)
    Choreography Patrice Bart nach Iwanow and Petipa, music I. Tschaikowsky
    60 dancers, stage dimensions 18 x 20 min, duration 170 min (interval)

    Jewels (1967)
    Choreography George Balanchin, music Gabriel Fauré, Igor Strawinsky and I. Tschaikowsky
    45 dancers, stage dimensions 16 x 19 m, duration 140 min (2 intervaln)

    Les Ballets de Monte-Carlo: Cinderella (1999)
    Choreography Jean-Christophe Maillot, music Serge Prokofieff
    dancers NA, stage dimensions 18 x 20 m, duration 90 min

    Polina & Friends (2018)
    Choreography NA, music NA
    dancers NA, stage dimensions 16 x 19m, duration NA

    Productions from the 2016/2017 season

    Duato|Kylián|Naharin (2005)
    Castrati, Petite Mort, Secus

    Choreography: Nacho Duato, music: Antonio Vivaldi, Karl Jenkins
    9 dancers, stage 18 x 20 m
    Petite Mort
    Choreography: Jiři Kylián, music: Wolfgang Amadeus Mozart
    12 dancers, stage 18 x 20 m
    Choreography: Ohad Naharin, music: Chari Chari, Kid 606 + Rayon (mix: Stefan Ferry), AGF, Chronomad (Wahed), Fennesz, Kaho Naa… Pyar Hai, Seefeel, The Beach Boys
    17 dancers, stage 18 x 20 m
    130 min (inkl. 2 intervals)

    Dornröschen (1890)
    Choreography: Nacho Duato, music: Peter I. Tschaikowsky  
    68 dancers, stage 18 x 20 m, 170 min (inkl. 2 intervals)

    Onegin (1967)
    Choreography: John Cranko, music: P. I. Tschaikowsky
    47 dancers, stage 16 x 19 m, 140 min

    Vielfältigkeit. Formen von Stille und Leere (1999)
    Choreography: Nacho Duato, music: Johann Sebastian Bach   
    20 dancers, stage 15 x 16 m, 115 min (inkl. 1 interval)

    Herrumbre (2004)
    Choreography: Nacho Duato, music: Pedro Alcalde, Sergio Caballero and David Darling
    stage 16 x 19 m, 65 min (without interval)

    White Darkness, Click-interval-Silence, Static Time

    White Darkness (2001)
    Choreography: Nacho Duato, music: Karl Jenkins
    10 dancers, stage 16 x 19 m, 25 min
    Click-interval-Silence (2000)
    Choreography: Jiři Kylián, music: Lukas Foss, Giovanni Battista Pergolesi, Alessandro Marcello, Antonio Vivaldi and Giuseppe Torelli
    4 dancers, stage 16 x 19 m, 25 min
    Static Time (2015)
    Choreography: Nacho Duato
    stage 16 x 19 m, 30 min

    Maillot | Milleplied
    Altro Canto, Daphnis et Cloé

    Altro Canto (2008)
    Choreography: Jean-Christoph Mailliot
    21 dancers, stage 18 x 20 m
    Daphnis et Cloé (2004)
    Choreography: Benjamin Milleplied, music: Ravel
    23 dancers, stage 18 x 20 m
    120 min (inkl. interval)

    Giselle (1841)
    Choreography: Patrice Bart, music: Adolphe Adam   
    52 dancers, stage 16 x 19 m, 140 min (inkl. 1 interval)

    Der Nussknacker (2016)   
    Choreography: Nacho Duato, music: I. Tschaikowsky   
    59 dancers, stage 18 x 20 m, 130 min (inkl. 1 interval)

    Duato | Shechter
    Erde, The art of not looking back

    Erde (2017)
    Choreography: Nacho Duato
    stage 15 x 16 m
    The art of not looking back (2009)
    Choreography: Hofesh Shechter
    stage 15 x 16 m

    Schwanensee (1877)
    Choreography: Patrice Bart after Iwanow and Petipa, music: Peter I. Tschaikowsky   
    60 dancers, stage 18 x 20 m, 170 min (inkl. 1 interval)

    Jewels (1967)   
    Choreography: George Balanchine, music: Gabriel Fauré, Igor Strawinsky and Peter I. Tschaikowsky
    stage 16 x 19 m, 120 min (inkl. 2 intervals)

    Gala der Staatlichen Ballettschule: Der kleine Prinz   
    Direction Gregor Seyffert   

    Productions from the 2015/2016 season

    Duato|Kylián|Naharin (2005)
    Castrati, Petite Mort, Secus

    Choreography: Nacho Duato, music: Antonio Vivaldi, Karl Jenkins
    9 dancers, stage 18 x 20 m
    Petite Mort
    Choreography: Jiři Kylián, music: Wolfgang Amadeus Mozart
    12 dancers, stage 18 x 20 m
    Choreography: Ohad Naharin, music: Chari Chari, Kid 606 + Rayon (mix: Stefan Ferry), AGF, Chronomad (Wahed), Fennesz, Kaho Naa… Pyar Hai, Seefeel, The Beach Boys
    17 dancers, stage 18 x 20 m
    130 min (inkl. 2 intervals)

    Dornröschen (1890)
    Choreography: Nacho Duato, music: Peter I. Tschaikowsky  
    68 dancers, stage 18 x 20 m, 170 min (inkl. 2 intervals)

    Onegin (1965)
    Choreography: John Cranko, music: Peter I. Tschaikowsky   
    47 dancers, stage 16 x 19 m, 140 min (inkl. 2 intervals)

    Vielfältigkeit. Formen von Stille und Leere (1999)
    Choreography: Nacho Duato, music: Johann Sebastian Bach   
    20 dancers, stage 15 x 16 m, 115 min (inkl. 1 interval)

    Herrumbre (2004)
    Choreography: Nacho Duato, music: Pedro Alcalde, Sergio Caballero and David Darling
    stage 16 x 19 m, 65 min (without interval)

    White Darkness, Click-interval-Silence, Static Time

    White Darkness (2001)
    Choreography: Nacho Duato, music: Karl Jenkins
    10 dancers, stage 16 x 19 m, 25 min
    Click-interval-Silence (2000)
    Choreography: Jiři Kylián, music: Lukas Foss, Giovanni Battista Pergolesi, Alessandro Marcello, Antonio Vivaldi and Giuseppe Torelli
    4 dancers, stage 16 x 19 m, 25 min
    Static Time (2015)
    Choreography: Nacho Duato
    stage 16 x 19 m, 30 min

    Romeo und Julia (1938)
    Choreography: John Cranko, music: Serge Prokofieff  
    stage 18 x 20 m, 180 min (inkl. 2 intervals)

    Giselle (1841)
    Choreography: Patrice Bart, music: Adolphe Adam   
    52 dancers, stage 16 x 19 m, 140 min (inkl. 1 interval)

    Der Nussknacker (1892)   
    Choreography: Vasily Medvedev and Yuri Burlaka, music: I. Tschaikowsky   
    60 dancers und 72 students, stage 18 x 20 m, 150 min (inkl. 1 interval)

    Ghosts (Guest piece from Norwegisches Nationalballett Oslo) (2014)
    Choreography: Henrik Ibsens, music: Nils Peter Molvaer
    stage 15 x 16 m, 70 min (without interval)

    Schwanensee (1877)
    Choreography: Patrice Bart after Iwanow and Petipa, music: Peter I. Tschaikowsky   
    60 dancers, stage 18 x 20 m, 170 min (inkl. 1 interval)

    Jewels (1967)   
    Choreography: George Balanchine, music: Gabriel Fauré, Igor Strawinsky and Peter I. Tschaikowsky
    stage 18 x 20 m, 120 min (inkl. 2 intervaln)

    Hänsel und Gretel
    Fairy tail piece from Giorgio Madia; "Tanz ist KLASSE!"
    Music: Edward Grieg   
    55 children, stage 18 x 20 m, 60 min (without interval)

    Gala der Staatlichen Ballettschule   
    Direction Gregor Seyffert   
    stage 16 x 19 m

    Productions from the 2014/2015 season

    White Darkness (2001)

    Choreography: Nacho Duato, music: Karl Jenkins
    10 dancers, stage dimensions 16 x 19 m, 25 min
    Click-interval-Silence (2000)
    Choreography: Jiří Kylián, music: Lukas Foss, Giovanni Battista Pergolesi, Alessandro Marcello, Antonio Vivaldi and Giuseppe Torelli
    4 dancers, stage 16 x 19 m, 25 min
    Static Time (2015)
    Choreography: Nacho Duato, music: n. a.
    number of dancers n. a., stage 16 x 19 m, length n. a.

    Don Juan (2014)
    Choreography: Giorgio Madia, music: Christoph Willibald Gluck
    26 dancers, stage 15 x 16 m, 90 min

    Hänsel und Gretel (2014) – „Tanz ist Klasse! Kinder tanzen“
    Production and choreography: Giorgio Madia, music: E. Grieg
    55 children, stage 18 x 20 m, 60 min

    Der Nussknacker (2013)
    Choreography: Vasily Medvedev, Yuri Burlaka based upon the original choreography of Lew Iwanow, music: P. I. Tschaikowsky
    60 dancers and 72 students, stage 18 x 20 m, 150 min

    The Nights (2013)
    Choreography: Angelin Preljocaj, music: Natacha Atlas, Samy Bishai and 79D
    18 dancers, stage 18 x 20 m, 90 min

    Arcangelo (2000)

    Choreography: Nacho Duato, music: Arcangelo Corelli and Alessandro Scarlatti
    8 dancers, stage 16 x 16 m
    Herman Schmerman (1992)
    Choreography: William Forsythe, music: Thom Willems
    7 dancers, stage 16 x 16 m
    and the sky on that cloudy old day (2012)
    Choreography: Marco Goecke, music: John Adams
    9 dancers, stage 16 x 16 m, ca. 120 min

    The Open Square (2012)
    Choreography: Itzik Galili, music: Percossa
    20 dancers, stage 15 x 16 m, 75 min

    Anonymous (2011)

    Choreography: Jiří Kylián, music: Anonymous
    2 dancers, stage 16 x 16 m, 7 min
    14‘20‘‘ (2002)
    Choreography: Jiří Kylián, music: Dirk Haubrich
    2 dancers, stage 16 x 16 m, 14 min
    Film: Jiří Kylián
    28 min
    Birth-Day (2011)
    Choreography: Jiří Kylián, music: W. A. Mozart
    5 dancers, stage 16 x 16 m, 35 min

    Dornröschen (2011)
    Choreography: Nacho Duato, music: P. I. Tschaikowsky,
    68 dancers, stage 18 x 20 m, 160 min

    Namouna (2010)

    Choreography: Alexei Ratmansky, music: Édouard Lalo
    31 dancers, stage 16 x 16 m
    Clear (2001)
    Choreography: Stanton Welch, music: J. S. Bach
    8 dancers, stage 16 x 16 m
    120 min

    Giselle (2000)
    Choreography: Patrice Bart after Jean Coralli and Jules Perrot, music: Adolphe Adam, Libretto: Théophile Gautier and Jules-Henri Vernoy de Saint-Georges
    52 dancers, stage 16 x 16 m, 140 min

    Vielfältigkeit. Formen von Stille und Leere (1999)
    Choreography: Nacho Duato, music: J. S. Bach
    20 dancers, stage 15 x 16 m, 110 min

    Die Bajadere (1999)
    Choreography: Vladimir Malakhov, music: Ludwig Minkus, Libretto: Marius Petipa and Sergej Chudekow
    67 dancers, stage 18 x 20 m, 170 min

    Schwanensee (1997)
    Choreography: Patrice Part after Lew Iwanow and Marius Petipa, music: P. I. Tschaikowsky,
    approx. 60 dancers, stage 18 x 20 m, 170 min

    Ce que l’Amour me dit (1974)

    Choreography: Maurice Béjart, music: G. Mahler
    29 dancers, 42 min
    Le Sacre du Printemps (1959)
    Choreography: Maurice Béjart, music: I. Strawinsky
    55 dancers, 34 min
    Boléro (1961)
    Choreography: Maurice Béjart, music: M. Ravel
    38-42 dancers, 20 min

    Onegin (1967)
    Choreography: John Cranko after the versnovel of Alexander S. Puschkin, music: P. I. Tschaikowsky
    47 dancers, stage 16 x 16 m, 140 min







LIB by Alexander Ekman


SUNNY by Emanuel Gat
Rehearsal Teaser






Postadresse: Staatsballett Berlin
Richard-Wagner-Straße 10 | 10585 Berlin   
Tel 030 34384 140 | Fax 030 34384 141

Deutsche Oper Berlin
Bismarckstraße 35 | 10627 Berlin
Tel 030 34384 140 | Fax 030 34384 141

Komische Oper Berlin
Behrenstraße 55-57 | 10117 Berlin
Tel 030 34384 140 | Fax 030 34384 141

Staatsoper Unter den Linden
Unter den Linden 7  | 10117 Berlin
Tel 030 34384 140 | Fax 030 34384 141
